Pull Toys
Pull Toys
Remember your child\’s first steps? As parents, those first toddling steps proved that our child was surely both brilliant and athletic, but what Jr. might remember best is that exciting pull-toy that followed him around the living-room floor. Can you still hear the clatter or the clucking? Let your mind go back… Hear the squeals and laughter? Pull-toys were not just for fun. They encouraged toddlers to walk while creating excitement for them. At the World’s Largest Toy Museum, we’ve got “Chatter” (as seen in “Toy Story 3”), “Digger the Dog” the walking hound, the Waddling Duck Family, and many more old pull-toy favorites.
You won’t have to pull yourself over to the pull-toy section, but you just might feel a little pulling of the heart strings as special memories of yesteryear come to mind.